The International Jew
The international Jew was formerly a collection of essays of hate published in secret by Henry Ford. The Brodeur Edition chooses to strip down the book to its bare elements until it becomes a poem about love. אני אוהב אתכם
I created this page these in 14 minutes (12:51-1:05) and, excluding ‘CAST IRON,’ used the time I wrote each to dictate how many syllables would be in each line.
Hope you like em slimes.
Peace of mind:Disorder of the Universe. Geeez heavy stuff
If I Could Paint I’d Paint Like This
Lavender sunsets
painted straight across Scarlett
Rooftop park benches
Feeding pigeons Flinstone Vitamins and hoping they’ll get better
Trying to reach through panes and stitch the two worlds back together
To get a yellow sun
A sharp Lavender Vanilla Yankee Candle Fabric Spray aroma is what remains of two massive gas giants
A black world under your good old yellow sun
Put down old yellow and pick up violet habits
Lavender sun beams
Stretched out to accept an offer of kindness or frightened reality
Winged castle rats and Vampires with cataracts
I hope this poem isn’t too much I really want people enough.
I don’t need people
Lavender sun beams still radiate back to you when you touch them
rippling in waves until they forget you were there
Hang your jacket on the reliable yellow sun in the sky and forget it’ll always be there
Lay on the green of Earth and pretend that color will always be here
Lay on the green Earth that will always be here and stare directly into
Deep lavender sunshine until the center is formed
White speckled after images follow you for days reminding you of shapes and sun’s you saw
Stare into the white specked center of the purple sun and feel like you’ll always be
Practice the promise of a purple sun
Forego the comfort of yellow beams and
Believe in the power of lavender stars.
Look up into the blue sky and see how the yellow bleeds into green, oozing where the sun and sky once met, paint that sun purple and feel the sky click, feel the green return to Earth where it ought, and feel the blues and indigos and violets and orchids and cerises and mulberries and heliotropes slide across each other into their new homes at the center of the horizon
Feel the green under you where it wasn’t but is and hope it’ll always be there.
Look up to the lavender
and remember why it came
the sons of Yellow and Green and Red
My girlfriend made fun of me for this when I wrote it about an AP Lit Saturday session leader, so she’s not my girlfriend anymore and I can’t put into words how badly I want to crash my car sometimes, but my old girlfriend didn’t know I got breakfast sandwiches and smoked a bowl with nick in the parking lot before we went in My name was Haylie that day and it was better
Today is beautiful
I wonder who convinced her to be
it worked
The convincing her
She's always beautiful
I wonder if she felt beautiful the day after
The day after
Whoever convinced her
Thank you
I wonder who made her think she needs to change
I sit and wonder who did that
Whoever convinced her to change is my mortal enemy and i shall seek revenge to all ends of time Unlimited in some place Beyond the peppered peaks Past midnight Pal
escape this wretched poem and slit your eyelids
in one quick swipe she changed
And she stayed beautiful
Even in change she is so beautiful
Sweet Liberty.
She left me reeling
Like a train fallen from its track
With her Party in the Front
Business in the Back
HAIKU #3 ‘A Proper Dialogue’
Ughk. Qwunkle Hunghtin
Gafb Muk Dajdpeldav.
HAIKU #1 ‘A Pen Pal Reuinion’
Oh you fucking cunt
Why I oughta’ slice you down
Eviscerate you
HAIKU #2 ‘Love and... Other Troubles’
Piss and shit and queef
Abortion pedophilia
Moist towelette oral
Light Bulb Song.
On, on
Seven minutes
On himmmmm
In Heaven
Dark Night
Knife fight
Kite Flight
Knight life
Show me
the sugar plum fairies’ Plight
Ma and Dad had bad taste
Mo bomb blonde pond God’s Gtes
Gote Gait
Goat Gate
Maximum security break out in hives
Whenever shills Cheech, Chong and Jive
Arrive salutations from
on donkey back
Mule front property
Palm’s a sweaty
Pauper’s Pale Paums a Plenty
Psalm’s avenge theeEEeĒ Phyllummummmmmmmmmm
Poke prodding piercing pushpush past peeling
Peace of mind away from every layer
of thick- Slime
Shift slow subtleties of great importance
There’s something soft about that gaze
as communication begins to occur in the upper thorax
That’s where the magic happens.
Drug Facts
Of oozing-viscous Slime
Pepsi’s Bill Cosby is -yes, probably- Jeff Gordon
indie Carpool
Smokey and The Bandit’s still recording
christ king snake
Bowie equals Bill, not Flash and Fill
out this form before you get covered in
thick-Oozing-Vicious Slime
underneath hard metallic crusts of
rhubarb pie
Every one takes a slice but no one will take a
Dogon Daydream
Alan wrenches in his pockets
She’s got speed dial on her phone
Smokes too many wood tips and always
Greets me with salud
But she loves the color blue
God she wants his neighbor’s telly
But he’ll settle for her tube.
They’re God when they’re entwined
They are battered and despised
An overgrown clitoris is really all it takes to seal your fate? How can the label of humanity be so fragile
The poem for the pig who tried to hit me in his cruiser?
When I journey prior to morning
I pause at 7 crosswalks
The milk and chicken drivers join at 4th and 3rd
They will let me pass but…. The paddy wagon shitfuck Van
Glanced me fast and smashed their gas
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A philosopher king.
I cried for the forest
Niger and Haiti what have we done?
I held back tears at work
ruling o’er the forest
I held tears back at work
Walking home in the cold. Crying softly to A$AP ANT and holding a raccoon onesie I’m sure I can return for drug money. I am the pinnacle of evolution. God keeps casting himself aside and forgetting to slack the line. Did anyone fix the roads in Bangladesh?
It doesn’t make
Women uncomfortable
It doesn’t
Believe in a god
I’m not any
Different or out of It
I’m just walking with General Zod
Objectify yourself over and over again until you step out of your brain and see yourself as a wooden bowl. You hold water. You have grooves, bitch you have knots. The only thing that makes you not a wooden bowl is you don’t think you are, and that’s a baaaaaaaaaad argument daddio. I’ll cut a hole in you and you’ll leak. I’ll slice you up like Matisse
and glue you on my wall so I can objectify you myself every day until the stencils fall off and the thumbtacks go back in our eyes. I’m sorry I need to to be me and there’s no one else for me to be if we both have to be free.
That part sucks and I left it in cuz
fuck you. Peach farm
Car alarm
All the livelong day
Thyme ith of the ethanthe
This life ith pay to play
Pardonne Mon Français Je Suis
White-Trash American
Je suis le fucking petit tortoise
Roi pour rere
En esprit
Je suis très fatigué
La comète comestible
Piège dans les diamants
Noyé dans la décadence
Mon fucking avocat;
Je t’aime tellement
Mon meilleur Ami