Stanley Praise Swerdlow

I Get Anxious at Around 8:30 at Night

A Stanley Praise Swerdlow Poem About That

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause of basketball
Maybe it’s cause of racketball
Maybe it’s cause my imaginary friend died at around 8:30 in the morning and I don’t think about it till around 8:30 at night

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause I have bad feet
Maybe it’s cause I never shovel sleet
Maybe it’s cause when it gets to around 8:30 I like to say “Look at me, I’m getting night!” like I’m Spongebob

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause I’m wasteful
Maybe It’s cause my bar recs aren’t tasteful
Maybe it’s cause my dad once shoved me up against a car in a whole foods parking lot cause I made fun of his acting career

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause my sewing career is at it’s tail end Maybe it’s cause I’ve never had a girlfriend
Maybe it’s cause that last line is true

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause I dance like a hyena
Maybe it’s cause I laugh like a ballerina
Maybe it’s cause of the popularity of Rachel McAdams cause like she’s fine, but have you ever been like blown away by her...probably not

I get anxious at around 8:30 at night
Maybe it’s cause I haven’t been to all 50 states
Maybe it’s cause I beat a rabbi in a sing off
Maybe it’s cause the third line didn’t rhyme and I broke my pattern which is always the first line being I get anxious around 8:30 at night, the second and third lines rhyme, but the fourth one doesn’t

I get anxious at around *:#) at night
Sorry I was holding shift when I wrote 8:30 That’s how anxious I get at around 8:30 at night

I’ll Stay in My Room

A dramedic poem by Stanley Praise Swerdlow

Your Happiness is like Hot Coco

My Happiness is a Great Dane

You’re the Wind above me
And I’m Letting you push me down

You will Go and party as if there is a tomorrow
I’ll Stay in my room and pull my hair because I’m scarred there won’t be

You’re as Up as a 78 year old man who fly’s his house to South America

I’m as Up as a 78 year old man who’s wife just died

You’re as Unique as a prime number

I’m as Unique as pizza day

You’re Brief like a boxer

I like to Punch myself in the face

Little Man Moe Reviews INDI650

Little Man Moe fights the good fight

Little Man Moe sponsors little Bud Light

Little Man Moe just listened to your song

Little Man Moe enjoyed it very much and can’t wait to hear all the new songs and poems coming soon and hopes your winter break going well and if it isn’t maybe he can find a way to make it better

Little Man Moe fights little forest fires

Little Man Moe only wears little zoot suit attire 

Little Man Moe listened to your second song 

Little Man Moe enjoyed it very much

Little Man Moe invented little Christian mingle 

Little Man Moe sings like Pavarotti, but only when he’s single 

Little Man Moe listened to song 3

Little Man Moe gives it a 3... /3

Little Man Moe only watches over the hedge 

Little Man Moe likes hammers, but only when they’re sledge 

Little Man Moe just listened to “Coffee” and it was nice

Little Man Moe thought it was gonna be hot, but it turns out it was ice

Little Man Moe has a pet coyote 

Little Man Moe sells drugs out out of his car, but only peyote

Little Man Moe listened to to Won’t Dance ‘Till I’m Clearer

Little Man Moe thinks it sounds like it was originally rejected for the trailer to David Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Little Man Moe is always flirtatious

Little Man Moe believes in rooms that are spacious 

Little Man Moe listened to Cash In Your Pocket 

Little Man Moe couldn’t believe you got the high pitch voice guy from Lonely by Akon to be on it