
Episode 1

Hard Core? What does that mean? In context of, like, an apple? Or a pear? Have you ever eaten a hard pear? It’s like millions of little teeth crashing into a juicy little rock that will never be as satisfying as a peach. Have you ever had a peach? I haven’t. Anywhoits, we beckon you forth to HC Poetry, a conglomerate of little words and littler pictures and littlest sayings into a similarly little-esque book. It’s little in size all around, but big in thought and big in annoyance provided when it protrudes out of your pocket a little on the train, you know when it’s not about to fall but could definitely fall and you’re thinking “I definitely got a hold on that, I’m a grown adult” and the old man next to you is like, “Watch your pockets, son” and in your head you’re like, “Yeah, fucking obviously I’m watching my pockets, aren’t you supposed to die now, old man?” but in reality you’re like, “Yes, thank you so much, sir” but don’t do anything about it and then it definitely falls out of your pocket. Anyway for the second time, check your pockets and enjoy. Come in at your own completely non-existent risk.